About Me

I am a Maltese wildlife photographer residing in Finland.  As is the case with many other wildlife photographers for me it all started with the love of animals – the dabbling in serious wildlife photography came at a later stage.  Now it is a full blown passion.

I believe that wildlife photos are indispensable conservation tools to inspire the general public towards the cause – creating a connection with nature that would otherwise be missing from their normal lives.  I hope that my photos connect people to the individual animals – whether it is admiring their beauty or wondering about their behaviour.  My purpose is to instil in the viewer a sense of appreciation towards nature and the need to protect and conserve it.  Perhaps some might also get inspired to travel to see the world’s last wilderness areas with their very own eyes – tourism plays a vital role in conservation too.  Whatever interest my photos spark in you, I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them.

If you would like to keep up to date with my photography you can find me on various social media platforms:  Facebook, Instagram @cheetah80, Twitter @cheetah80, TSU and Google +.